[Framework-Team] Re: [Plone 4] PLIP #9249 Add TinyMCE as the default visual editor

Wichert Akkerman wichert at wiggy.net
Tue Jul 28 06:26:54 UTC 2009

On 7/27/09 10:52 PM, Geir Bækholt · Jarn wrote:
> On 27. juli. 2009, at 22.12, Jon Stahl wrote:
>> Absolutely. Getting the code into the Foundation's long-term
>> conservancy is very much worth doing if it's not too terribly hard.
>> I've not been through the process before of moving Collective code to
>> the Foundation, but I know Jarn has done this, so perhaps Geir can
>> enlighten us there on whether any additional steps are required other
>> than making sure all contributors have signed the Contributor
>> Agreement.
> I don't know of any special considerations beyond the normal ones.
> - Code must meet Plone's quality assurance level. (i.e pass PLIP review)
> - All contributors must have signed the agreement.
> - Some sort of consensus that the code is of general use to Plone and
> the community, and that the community is the best entity to manage
> maintenance long term.
> - Licensing

There is a step missing here: contributors must not only have signed the 
agreement, they must explicitly allow that specific code to be donated 
to the foundation. Signing the contributor agreement does not mean all 
your code can be moved at will to the foundation.


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