[Framework-Team] PLIPS 208 and 217 Merged

Alec Mitchell apm13 at columbia.edu
Tue Feb 26 10:22:02 UTC 2008

I merged PLIPs 208 and 217 tonight.  The following changes were made:

* The plip208 branch of borg.localrole was merged into trunk
* borg.localrole was added to the 3.1 branch of ploneout
* A migration and procedural GS import step were added to CMFPlone 3.1
branch, along with tests
* A minor fix was merged from the plip208 branch of PlonePAS into the 3.x branch
* Changes were merged into the trunks of ploneout, CMFPlone, and PlonePAS

* The adpaterized_workflow branch of CMFPlone was merged into the 3.1
branch and trunk
* A plone3.1 branch of CMFPlacefulWorkflow was created from the
plone3.0 branch, and the changes from the plip217 branch were merged
into the new branch
* Updated ploneout (3.1 and trunk) to use the plone3.1 branch of

Tomorrow I will merge the changes on the CMFPlacefulWorkflow plone3.1
branch into the CMFPlacefulWorkflow trunk (currently not used by any
of the plone setup, but likely to be used by 4.0 at some point).


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