[Framework-Team] Re: Plone 3 - Migration supported for age-old versions?

Hanno Schlichting plone at hannosch.info
Mon Jun 12 15:19:41 UTC 2006

Vincenzo Di Somma wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 17:06 +0200, Hanno Schlichting wrote:
>> What about Plone 2.5? Migrations from all insane alphas/betas/rcs should
>> be supported.
> IMHO only stable releases should be supported.

I think we could discuss about this, but the migrations that happened
during the 2.5 alpha-rc cycle are quite minor and not that difficult to
support right now.

IMO we wouldn't gain much be unsupporting these currently. I limited my
PLIP to the removal of age-old migrations on purpose, so I wouldn't
start a general 'how we would like to tell our migration story'
discussion ;)

I'm quite sure we will end up in a similar position once we think about
Plone 3.5, but as there are too many uncertain factors around our
migration story (inplace vs. dump-and-reload, QuickInstaller vs.
GenericSetup, GenericSetup vs. zope.generations, ...) I would like to
safe us this discussion until then or once we have a concrete PLIP about
changing our migration strategy :)


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