[Plone-conference] Sunday night food and drinks.

Tom Blockley tom at delib.net
Sun Oct 6 21:56:09 UTC 2013

Hello Sprinters!

It seems that the general consensus was to go back to Libanus (asa Sul) again tonight, for one last time whilst we are still in Brasilia. 

For those of you who have been there before, see you there. For those that haven't, here's the address:

CLS 206 Bloco C Loja 36
Asa Sul, Brasília, DF 

And here is a google map showing the location of Libanus (and Planalto Bittar, for reference): http://goo.gl/maps/MO71d

Also, meat on a stick man is not here so I would suggest going to straight to Libanus if it is easier for you.

I expect we (Team Rubber Bristol) will be there from about 8/8:30, see you all there for one (or five) last Caipirinha

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