[Plone-conference] Sprints venue has CHANGED

Marcio Mazza marciomazza at gmail.com
Sat Oct 5 02:37:08 UTC 2013

(This message has the same content as

We had a last minute change due to technical problems.

The Sprints venue has CHANGED. Please take note of the name and address:

**Nova Central Sindical de Trabalhadores**
SAFS Quadra 02 Bloco D Térreo - Sala 102 / Edifício Via Esplanada

This is the place on the map:


Tomorrow we have not arranged a transportation scheme. The place is walking
distance from bus stops and not too far from the main hotel sector.

* For the ones at ESAF: The bus that took you to the conference will not be
* For the ones at Planalto Bittar: There will be a bus there but it **will
not take you** to the new Sprints venue. Please **do not board it** and
choose a different transportation option. If anything about this changes we
will let you know.


The new place is ok. It's in a nice building, has lots of big tables to
work together, internet, free coffee and some snacks.

The activities start at 10 a.m. and we will decide together when it should

See you there.
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