[Plone-conference] Fourdigits, you rock!

Fulvio Casali fulviocasali at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 19:04:08 UTC 2012

4digits, you did an amazing job!
Ditto all the above, fantastic conference, sprint, Plone Nation, etc, etc.
Here are some of my "other" highlights:

- Thank you for making it Fair Trade!
- The venue, Musis Sacrum, was absolutely perfect.
- I looooovved Arnhem, what a pleasant and attractive city!
- The guidebook app
- The Plone boat was brilliant

Thank you!

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Lennart Regebro <regebro at gmail.com> wrote:

> One thing I noted both in Bristol and Arnhem is that when the city
> doesn't contain millions of people it feels a bit like Plone takes
> over the town. I liked that feeling. :-) The drawback is of course
> that it becomes harder to get there as there isn't a lot of flights
> going directly to a handily located airport hub 20 minutes away. :-)
> //Lennart
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