[Plone-conference] Sprint CMFFormController Removal

Encolpe Degoute encolpe.degoute at free.fr
Mon Oct 15 11:41:52 UTC 2012


It's time to make a short resume on our work.

First, a Plone core sprint setup article is on review. I hope it should
help for the next sprints.

The main goal was to move all cpy/cpt/vpy out of /Products.CMFPlone/.
The destinations were /plone.app.content/, /plone.app.users/ and the
browser folder of /Products.CMFPlone/ for generic views.

We hit some difficulties with a mixin of PloneTestCase and
plone.app.testing. At last we choose to stay with PloneTestCase for
plone.app.content. And also with missing functional tests. We need to do
some more works on this point before the next step.
David Glick ask us to make extra check on forms attacks that we didn't made.

The next step is to make a review of the code of the plip before to
start it again in a new sprint.

We identify some other packages where we can start to work on this
migration :

  * plone.app.controlpanel
  * plone.app.kss (<= until its removal)

You can find formcontroller files in all products using this command in
a shell :

find src -path "*deprecated" -prune -o -name "*\.?p[y|t]" -print

To work on this topic choose the *4.3 branch* on *buildout.coredev* and
use the plips/plip13260-cpy-removal.cfg
file as buildout configuration file.

    *bin/buildout -c plips/plip13260-cpy-removal.cfg*

Oh, on Sunday we kill Kenny

Thanks for all participants of that sprint.

Logiciels libres, hockey sur glace et autres activités cérébrales

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