[Plone-conference] Templer Sprint

Mark van Lent mark.van.lent at edition1.nl
Mon Oct 15 10:48:40 UTC 2012

On 10/14/12 10:30 AM, Cris Ewing wrote:
> A quick summary of the ongoing templer sprint here at the plone conference:
> We split into four teams.  Each team is tackling an individual goal.
> Team 1 is moving localcommands from the old ZopeSkel to the new templer packages.  They have completed work on an i18nlocale localcommand which properly sets up internationalization for your package.  The command also supplies a script which can be used to extract, compile and update your translations.  A second localcommand has been added to create upgrade steps and setuphandler code for your package.
Actually... The current i18nlocale command is just a copy of the version 
from ZopeSkel; the build script is still in the works. I plan to commit 
an enhanced version of the script made by Mikko 
I just need to clean it up a bit and make it somewhat more generic 
before I can safely add it to the i18nlocale command.

Sorry I did not report this more clearly when I left the sprint...

Mark van Lent

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