[Plone-conference] Templer Sprint

Harald Friessnegger harald at webmeisterei.com
Mon Oct 15 07:18:14 UTC 2012

just curious

if mr.bob will _replace_ templer (as stated in the introdcution of http://mrbob.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)
there naming the packages that provide templates for ZopeSkel templer.<mytemplatepackage> would be misleading, wouldn't it?

~ fRiSi

Am Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2012, 11:34:43 schrieb Domen Kožar:
> >
> > Team 4 is working on implementing the output layer of the next generation
> > of templating tools.  They've also proposed renaming this tool `mr.bob'
> > instead of crushinator.
> Repo: https://github.com/iElectric/mr.bob

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