mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
Plone-com [no description available]
Communications Plone Communications Team (CLOSED)
Plone-conference [no description available]
Diversity Plone Diversity Working Group
Educational Use of Plone in educational settings like colleges, universities and other schools.
Environmental Using Plone for for environmental collabration and information-sharing
Evangelism A list for discussion of grassroots marketing of Plone, conference attendance, local events, etc.
Framework-Team The Framework Team is the final arbitrator of what PLIPs are approved for the core Plone product.
Framework41 Plone 4.1 Framework Team Selection Discussion
Gsoc-mentors [no description available]
GSOC-Students [no description available]
Mailman [no description available]
Membership General discussion list for the Plone Foundation membership.
Membership-Committee The Membership Committee handles questions about - and approval of - membership in the Plone Foundation.
NGO A list for NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) using Plone.
PLIP-Advisories Change notifications for Plone PLIPs on Trac.
Plone-AsiaPacific List for coordinating activities in the Asia/Pacific region.
Plone-cat Plone in Catalonia
Plone-ConoSur Regional list: Plone Cono Sur: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay
Plone-cz Regional list for Plone in the Czech Repulic
Plone-EasternEurope Regional list for Eastern Europe
Plone-Hungary Regional list for Plone in Hungary
Plone-IT La lista degli italiani appassionati di Plone.
Plone-NL Regional list for Plone in The Netherlands
Plone-pl Regional list for Plone in Poland
Plone-Scandinavia Regional list for Norway, Sweden and Denmark (Scandinavia)
Product-Developers A list for add-on product developers to get help with their Collective-hosted products - updates to newer Plone versions, migrations and general questions about Plone add-on development.
QA-Team Plone quality assurance team discussion
Plone-Roadmap Discussions list for the Roadmap Team
Scientific Plone in scientific/research environments.
Setup Plone installation, migration and configuration questions list.
Testbot Daily testrunner reports
Tester a list for funtion testing
Plone-testing-team [no description available]
UI User interface, accessibility and general design issues in Plone
Usergroups [no description available]
Usuarios-Plone Spanish-speaking Plone users and developers.

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